


You can install Flyapi in one of the following ways:

npm install @steelwindshellahillz/flyapi
pnpm add @steelwindshellahillz/flyapi
yarn add @steelwindshellahillz/flyapi


Initialize the API instance

You can also optionally add the types

import { flyapi, type FlyapiGroup } from '@steelwindshellahillz/flyapi'
interface Todo {
	id: number
interface Comment {
	id: number
interface Post {
	id: number
interface MyAwesomeApi {
	todos: Todo | Todo[]
	posts: FlyapiGroup<{
		comments: Comment[]
	}, Post | Post[]>
const options = {
	fetchOptions: {
		baseURL: ''
const flyapiInstance = flyapi<MyAwesomeApi>(options)

It's end, You can use it!

const allTodos = await flyapiInstance.todos.exec<Todo[]>()
const firstTodo = await flyapiInstance.todos.exec<Todo>({
	urlParams: {
		todos: 1
const allPosts = await flyapiInstance.posts.exec<Post[]>()
const firstPosts = await flyapiInstance.posts.exec<Post>({
	urlParams: {
		posts: 1
const comments = await flyapiInstance.posts.comments.exec({
	urlParams: {
		posts: 1

Yes, it's worth specifying that under the condition that a single endpoint can return two types at the same time, I haven't found a better and simpler solution than simple union type refinements